US Citizenship Applications Processed at Record Speed: Is It Politics or Efficiency?

The Biden administration has accelerated the processing of naturalization applications, leading to a record number of immigrants becoming U.S. citizens. Some critics argue this is a political tactic to boost voter turnout, while the administration claims it’s due to operational improvements. This article examines the arguments on both sides and analyzes the potential impact of this trend on the upcoming elections.

Florida Man, 66, Shockingly Discovers He’s Not a US Citizen After Decades of Voting and Paying Taxes

A Florida man, 66-year-old Jimmy Klass, has been living in the United States since he was a baby, but he recently discovered a shocking truth: he is not a US citizen. Klass has voted in several federal elections, served in the Marine Corps, and paid taxes for decades, but according to the Social Security Administration, he has not proven his legal status in the country. Klass is now facing a difficult battle with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to prove his citizenship and access his Social Security benefits.

Prince Harry’s Daughter Sets Precedent for Holding Royal Titles as a US Citizen

Prince Harry’s daughter, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, showcases the possibility of holding both US citizenship and royal titles. According to legal expert Gita Gorji, Lilibet’s status as an American citizen with a foreign title of nobility provides a precedent for Harry to retain his royal titles if he becomes a US citizen. This potential resolution to Harry’s legal bind regarding his US immigration application also opens the door for his potential return to the UK.

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