6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Vanuatu, No Tsunami Risk

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Vanuatu on Sunday, causing no immediate damage or reports of casualties. The earthquake’s epicenter was 83 kilometers northwest of the capital, Port Vila, and had a depth of 29 kilometers. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre stated that there is no risk of a tsunami. Hotel worker Vanessa Apuary described the quake’s impact as “heavy and slow” but noted that it caused minimal damage in Port Vila. Vanuatu is located on the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” an area known for seismic activity.

P&O Cruises Australia Rescues Stranded Rotary Volunteers in Vanuatu

P&O Cruises Australia has come to the rescue of 16 young Australian Rotary volunteers stranded in Vanuatu due to the collapse of Air Vanuatu. The students, mostly teenagers from Albury, NSW, were providing medical assistance and training in remote villages when the airline abruptly canceled their flights. P&O Cruises stepped in and offered to bring the group home on the Pacific Adventure at no cost. The students will enjoy a relaxing sea vacation, including a visit to Mystery Island, as a well-deserved reward for their selfless service.

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