Renowned Hong Kong actor, comedian, and director Stephen Chow is venturing into variety show production, collaborating with iQiyi, a leading streaming platform in mainland China. The show, titled ‘The King of Comedy Stand-up Season,’ draws inspiration from Chow’s acclaimed movie of the same name. This partnership marks an extensive collaboration between Chow’s Bingo Group and iQiyi, encompassing drama series, variety shows, and animation projects. Chow’s prior collaborations include a deal with Douyin to produce mini-drama series for Chinese audiences, a format gaining significant popularity with short, digestible episodes.
Results for: Variety show
Stand-up comedian Paul F. Tompkins, known for his diverse talents, curates and hosts the recurring stage variety show ‘Varietopia’ in Los Angeles. Now, he embarks on his first-ever tour, with two sold-out shows at City Winery on May 2nd. Featuring an ever-changing lineup that has included magicians, musicians, and even Tompkins himself in character as ‘Monsignor Damien Fearnley,’ ‘Varietopia’ is a celebration of the classic variety show format. Tompkins credits musical director Jordan Katz with making the tour possible, citing the logistical challenges of coordinating travel and equipment for a show that incorporates live music. Despite his decades-long career that includes stand-up, voice acting, and podcasting, Tompkins sees his diverse work as part of a cohesive creative expression that informs all his projects.