The Louis Vuitton Neo Speedy, a denim monogram bag from 2005, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. This nostalgic style, originally championed by Marc Jacobs, is gaining traction among fashion enthusiasts, fueled by the trend for Y2K fashion and the reintroduction of denim monogram designs by Louis Vuitton. Along with the Neo Speedy, the slouchy Louis Vuitton Baggy, also in denim monogram, is making a return, signifying the enduring appeal of these under-the-radar vintage styles.
Results for: Vintage Bags
Supermodel Bella Hadid is known for her love of vintage fashion, and her bag collection is no exception. From rare Dior Saddles to Chanel Medallion totes, Hadid’s vintage finds are a testament to her unique style and her ability to seamlessly blend high-end and vintage pieces. Explore the highlights of her impressive collection.