Caribou Populations in Western Canada on the Rise, Thanks to Wolf Culls

Fresh research suggests that Western Canada’s once-dwindling caribou population has finally begun to rebound, primarily due to the controversial culling of hundreds of wolves. The study concluded that the aggressive wolf reduction policies, which are expected to continue for decades, are the main factor behind the observed population increase. However, the findings have sparked ethical concerns among wildlife managers and raised questions about the long-term sustainability of caribou conservation strategies reliant on predator removal.

Caribou Numbers Rebound in Western Canada Due to Wolf Culling

Research suggests that Western Canada’s caribou populations are rebounding after decades of decline. The study found that a 52% increase in caribou numbers since 2020 is primarily attributed to the culling of hundreds of wolves. While wolf culling has proven effective in increasing caribou growth rates, it remains a controversial measure, raising concerns about animal welfare and its reliance on killing another wild animal. Despite conservation agreements, habitat concerns persist, necessitating continued wolf culling as a stopgap measure in the absence of effective habitat restoration efforts.

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