The Art of a Handwritten Letter in a Digital Age

In a world dominated by instant communication, the author reflects on the beauty and intimacy of handwritten letters, reminiscing about the days of pen pals and the unique connection they fostered. He shares how the act of writing a letter, with its careful choice of words, handwriting, and ink, was a deliberate act of expressing emotions and forging relationships.

Inspiration Behind the Book

The author’s motivation for writing the book stems from their personal experiences and observations of the world around them. They were compelled to share their insights and offer a perspective that could potentially resonate with a wide audience.

Shogun Podcast: Writing the Penultimate and Finale Episodes

In this episode of The Ringer’s Shogun Podcast, host Joanna Robinson is joined by writers Rachel Kondo, Caillin Puente, Emily Yoshida, and Maegan Houang to discuss the writing process behind the penultimate and finale episodes of the series. They delve into the character development of Mariko and Ochiba, the decision to cut out the heir’s parentage as a plot point, and the complexities of adapting the book’s ending to the screen. The podcast provides an in-depth look into the creative decisions and challenges faced by the writers in bringing the story to life.

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