Tales of Kenzera: ZAU opens with a grieving protagonist named Zau, who embarks on a quest to restore his father’s life. Guided by Kalunga, God of Death, Zau journeys through fantastical biomes, encountering restless spirits and engaging in frantic combat.
British actor Abubakar Salim, who voices Zau, delivers a poignant performance that captures the character’s emotional turmoil. The game’s narrative explores themes of grief and loss, examining how each character responds to these experiences.
ZAU’s gameplay blends familiar Metroidvania elements with unique combat mechanics. Players can switch between the Sun and Moon Masks to unleash ranged and melee attacks, respectively. The skill tree allows for customization, while energy meters power up ultimate attacks.
Despite some limitations in enemy variety, the combat system is simple and satisfying. Zipping around the game world is also effortless, thanks to Zau’s double jump, air dash, and later acquired abilities.
Tales of Kenzera: ZAU stands out as a unique Metroidvania that seamlessly weaves together a compelling narrative, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay. Its exploration of grief and Afro-futurism makes it a standout among games in its genre.