Tammy Baldwin Faces Criticism for Sanctuary City Votes in Wisconsin Senate Race

The race for Wisconsin’s Senate seat is heating up, with Republican-aligned group One Nation launching a multi-million dollar ad campaign targeting incumbent Democrat Tammy Baldwin. The campaign, which is part of a larger $88 million effort across key states, focuses on Baldwin’s past votes in favor of federal funding for sanctuary cities. The ad claims Baldwin has voted nine times to support such funding, despite the potential risks associated with it.

The ad highlights the case of a man, reportedly an undocumented immigrant, who was arrested in 2019 for several assaults, including the groping of a 13-year-old girl. It urges viewers to hold Baldwin accountable for her stance on immigration and sanctuary city policies.

One Nation President and CEO Steven Law stated that Baldwin had numerous opportunities to prioritize Wisconsin’s safety by opposing federal funding for sanctuary cities, but instead chose to make the state less safe.

The ad also criticizes Baldwin for her vote against a Senate impeachment trial for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, calling it a failure to hold him accountable for the ongoing border crisis. It further accuses Baldwin of supporting amnesty for “11 million illegal immigrants,” including criminals.

Baldwin has defended her record on immigration, stating that she supports a secure border and believes in comprehensive immigration reform. She has also expressed support for a border security bill that was negotiated by bipartisan senators but ultimately failed to garner Republican support.

The ad campaign comes at a time when the race for Wisconsin’s Senate seat is highly competitive. While Baldwin currently leads her Republican challenger, Eric Hovde, in polls, the Republican primary had not yet taken place when the poll was conducted. Hovde officially secured the Republican nomination on Tuesday.

The outcome of the Wisconsin Senate race could have significant implications for the balance of power in the Senate. The race is expected to be closely watched as the 2024 election cycle unfolds.

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