TargetVideo Automates Video Content Categorization with AI Integration

TargetVideo, a leading provider of video technology and advertising solutions, has integrated AI into its platform to streamline content categorization for digital video publishers.

By leveraging AI, TargetVideo empowers its clients to automatically classify their video content based on standardized categories defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). This innovative integration brings significant advancements to video management processes, as it enables large publishing networks to automate the categorization process. By eliminating the need for manual categorization, publishers can now allocate their time and resources more efficiently toward content creation and monetization strategies.

With AI-driven categorization, publishers can ensure that their content aligns seamlessly with IAB standards, enhancing its discoverability and appeal to advertisers. This is especially important in today’s landscape when the looming deprecation of third-party cookies makes proper video categorization more important than ever.

“By integrating AI technology into our platform and player solutions, we are significantly streamlining the way digital video publishers manage their content,” says Uroš Jojić, co-CEO of TargetVideo. “This enhancement not only simplifies operations but also ensures that publishers maintain adherence to industry standards, ultimately driving greater monetization opportunities.”

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