Taylor Swift Fans Flood Vienna Museums After Concert Cancellation

When three sold-out Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna were abruptly cancelled due to an ISIS-connected terrorist plot, the city’s museums found themselves with an unexpected influx of fans. Many institutions, including the Albertina, Jewish Museum, MAK (Museum of Applied Arts), Haus der Musik, and Mozarthaus Vienna, offered free admission to concertgoers who had been left heartbroken by the cancellation.

Thousands of Swifties, easily recognizable by their signature merchandise, descended upon these cultural hotspots, eager to make the best of a disappointing situation. The Albertina, known for its vast print collection, typically sees around 2,000 visitors a day. However, between August 8th and 11th, an astonishing 20,000 Swifties flocked to the museum, a number usually reserved for blockbuster exhibitions. The museum’s spokesperson, Nina Eisterer, reported that the lines were so long that some fans waited 20 minutes just to enter.

To further embrace the Swift spirit, the Albertina replaced its usual classical music soundtrack with Taylor Swift hits throughout its 20 historical staterooms. This unexpected twist led to spontaneous singalongs, capturing the attention of the internet and adding a unique dimension to the museum experience.

The Haus der Musik, another popular destination, reported welcoming 2,746 Swifties, representing nearly half of its total visitors. The influx of fans also boosted the gift shop’s sales by €4,500. Social media played a key role in spreading the word about the free museum entry, providing a much-needed distraction for disappointed fans.

“It was important for us to offer a bit of hope and say, ‘Hey, we know this is devastating. You can’t go to the concert, but you can enjoy some art in Vienna. That’s what we can offer you,’” Eisterer explained.

This unexpected collaboration between Swifties and Vienna’s museums created a unique cultural experience that transcended the disappointment of the cancelled concerts. It showcased the power of community and the ability of art to bring people together in unexpected ways.

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