TCEB’s New Direction for Thailand’s Meetings Industry: Sustainability, Innovation, and Collaboration

The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) has launched a new direction for the Thai meetings industry, focusing on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. This strategy aims to advance the industry, bolster the Thai economy, and create new business opportunities.

The TCEB’s new direction is partly in response to the government’s vision IGNITE Thailand, which aims to position Thailand as a hub of eight industries, including tourism, medical and wellness, and digital economy. Sustainability performance is a key focus, with efforts on decarbonizing events, avoiding carbon emissions, and undertaking carbon offset with measurable results. Sustainability and innovation are central to TCEB’s action plan, ensuring the Thai meetings industry remains internationally competitive.

To cater to the evolving needs of the European market, TCEB is prioritizing product development and experience design, highlighting the diversity of Thailand’s cities and potential destinations. The plan includes the introduction of new venues, function spaces, and attractions. Thailand’s strong global standing as a premier destination is emphasized, with continuous infrastructure and facility development enhancing return on investment and return on experience for events.

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