Tear Down the Last Vestiges of House Bill 6 for a Brighter Ohio Future

For the past four years, Ohioans have been mired in the dark cloud of House Bill 6 and disgraced former Speaker Larry Householder. The HB 6 scandal has been a glaring example of political corruption, tarnishing Ohio’s reputation with endless indictments, guilty verdicts, and negative headlines. Even now, four years later, it continues to dominate news cycles, with fresh revelations of payments to conservative groups aimed at bolstering Governor Mike DeWine, Lieutenant Governor John Husted, and Senate President Matt Huffman.

Navigating the complexities of this long-running scandal can be daunting. Years into its unraveling, we continue to uncover murky payments made to sway elections long past, with new developments emerging just this week. It is imperative that we excise the remnants of HB 6, root and branch. Its continued existence serves as a constant reminder of the corruption that has permeated our state.

While Ohioans are no longer liable for the bailout of FirstEnergy’s nuclear plants, ratepayers have already shelled out over $247 million to subsidize two aging coal plants. As long as HB 6 remains on the books, these payments will continue to drain Ohio’s resources. Furthermore, HB 6 rolled back renewable energy standards, leaving Ohioans with dirtier air, fewer clean energy jobs, and diminished preparedness for the future.

If the state legislature insists on showering corporations with multimillion-dollar handouts, it must do so transparently. Ohioans deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent and ensure that they are not being swindled. We must enact legislation mandating the disclosure of donations by all entities, similar to the reporting requirements for candidates. By eliminating loopholes that allow money to be funneled through a maze of nonprofits, we can shed light on the true sources of political funding. Secrecy breeds corruption; transparency is its antidote.

We must also demand greater accountability in political donations, including appointments to regulatory agencies and lobbying activities. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and Ohio’s political process should be no exception. By tightening our ethics and lobbying laws, we can prevent individuals from manipulating the system, operating in the shadows, and securing illicit windfalls.

If wealthy special interests wish to spend their fortunes in the political arena, let’s ensure that all Ohioans can witness their actions. Catherine Turcer, Executive Director of Common Cause Ohio, has rightly called upon Lieutenant Governor Husted to prioritize transparency in political spending. Now that Husted’s own million-dollar contribution from FirstEnergy has been exposed, Ohioans expect him to lead the charge for meaningful reform.

Ohioans deserve better than a corrupted political process where deep-pocketed donors wield undue influence at the expense of taxpayers. By tearing down the remnants of HB 6 and embracing comprehensive campaign finance reform, we can create a brighter future for Ohio, a future built on integrity, accountability, and the unwavering belief that government should serve the people, not the powerful.

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