Ted Cruz Accuses Biden Administration of Funding Hamas Attack on Israel

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz engaged in a heated exchange with Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday, accusing the Biden administration of indirectly funding the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7. Cruz, known for his hawkish stance on foreign policy, unleashed a barrage of criticism against the administration’s handling of Iran and its approach to foreign policy, which he characterized as appeasement of enemies and undermining of allies.

Blinken attempted to defend the administration’s record, emphasizing its support for Israel and its efforts to combat terrorism. He denied Cruz’s allegations, stating that the U.S. government shares intelligence with Israel and has provided significant assistance to help the country defend itself against Hamas.

However, Cruz remained unconvinced, pressing Blinken on Iran’s increased oil production and the administration’s perceived reluctance to enforce oil sanctions. He argued that the administration’s policies had emboldened Iran and provided it with the resources to support terrorist groups like Hamas.

The tense exchange highlighted the deep divisions between Republicans and Democrats on foreign policy, with Cruz representing a vocal contingent within the GOP that is critical of the Biden administration’s approach to Iran and other international issues. It also underscored the ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Iran, which have been exacerbated by the Biden administration’s efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal and its perceived willingness to engage with Tehran without preconditions.

The hearing concluded with both Cruz and Blinken maintaining their respective positions, reflecting the ongoing debate over the Biden administration’s foreign policy and its implications for U.S. interests in the Middle East and beyond.

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