Teenagers Caught Drinking Beer at Chhattisgarh Government School

A disturbing incident has unfolded in Chhattisgarh, where a group of teenage girls were caught drinking beer inside a government school. A video of the girls, allegedly celebrating a classmate’s birthday, quickly went viral on social media, prompting immediate action from education authorities.

The video, reportedly filmed on July 29th at the Government Higher Secondary School in Bhatchaura village, shows the girls consuming both beer and soft drinks within the school premises. This incident has sparked outrage and raised serious concerns about the lack of proper supervision within the school environment.

In response to the viral video, the District Education Officer (DEO) of Bilaspur, TR Sahu, has constituted a three-member committee to investigate the matter. The committee has already begun taking statements from students and teachers involved in the incident.

While some of the students have claimed that they were simply waving the beer bottles around for fun during the video recording and didn’t actually consume the drink, the authorities are taking this incident very seriously. The DEO has stated that disciplinary action will be taken against the school principal and head of the institution to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Furthermore, notices will be sent to the parents of the girls involved, urging them to address this issue and ensure their children’s safety and well-being.

This incident highlights the need for stricter supervision and better communication within schools to prevent underage drinking and ensure the safety and well-being of students. The investigation into this matter is ongoing, and authorities are committed to taking appropriate action to address this concerning issue.

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