In a move that has sparked both curiosity and controversy, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has announced a partnership with the AltraVita IVF clinic in Moscow, Russia, to offer women free IVF fertilization using his sperm. This initiative, according to Durov, is driven by a desire to assist couples struggling with infertility.
Durov’s offer comes after he revealed in September that he has over 100 biological children and plans to make his DNA publicly accessible to facilitate connections between them. He explained that the idea originated from a friend facing infertility who approached him for sperm. This led to the discovery of a shortage of high-quality donor material, prompting Durov to take action.
The AltraVita clinic website states that they are the exclusive source for Durov’s sperm and that the Telegram CEO is committed to funding all IVF procedures utilizing his genetic material. While IVF can be a beneficial pathway for couples facing challenges with pregnancy, it’s not always successful and can be financially demanding, especially in certain regions.
Durov’s offer, though presented as an act of altruism, has faced criticism from various quarters. Some argue that it exploits women by using their need for fertility treatment as a means to achieve his own personal goals. Others express concerns about the implications of having a large number of children with a single donor, particularly the potential for genetic vulnerabilities.
This controversial initiative has ignited a debate on the ethics of sperm donation and the potential for exploitation within the context of assisted reproductive technologies. It raises questions about the line between altruistic intentions and the potential for personal gain, and whether free IVF treatment should come with such a unique and potentially controversial condition.