Tenderloin Curfew Proposed to Combat Illegal Drug Markets in San Francisco

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is proposing a curfew for retail stores in the Tenderloin district as a means to crack down on illegal drug markets. The proposed ordinance would require liquor stores, smoke shops, and corner markets to close between midnight and 5 a.m. The curfew would apply to businesses located between O’Farrell and McAllister streets, and from Polk to Jones streets. If passed by the Board of Supervisors, the curfew would be implemented as a one-year pilot program. Businesses that fail to comply with the curfew would face fines of $1,000 for every hour of non-compliance.

The proposal comes in response to concerns over the prevalence of illegal drug activity in the Tenderloin. Mayor Breed stated that the curfew is intended to create a safer environment for residents and businesses in the area. The curfew would be part of a broader effort to address drug-related issues in the Tenderloin, which has been a focus of law enforcement efforts in recent years.

The proposed curfew has been met with mixed reactions from business owners in the Tenderloin. Some businesses support the curfew, believing it will help reduce crime and improve the overall atmosphere in the neighborhood. Others, however, express concerns about the potential economic impact of the curfew, particularly for businesses that rely on late-night customers.

The Board of Supervisors is expected to consider the proposed curfew in the coming weeks. If approved, the curfew would go into effect within the next few months.

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