Terrorist Attacks in Dagestan Leave 16 Dead, Security Operation Concludes

Russian authorities have confirmed the conclusion of a security operation in Dagestan province, following attacks on a church and two synagogues that left at least 16 people dead. The attacks occurred on Pentecost Sunday, a significant religious holiday for the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to the Russian National Antiterrorism Committee, the security operation concluded at 5:15 GMT (10:45 am IST) after neutralizing six terrorists involved in the attacks. While initial reports focused on the church and synagogues, the committee later revealed that a police checkpoint was also targeted.

The attacks took place in two cities: Derbent and Makhachkala. The state-run Russian news agency RT identified the church as the Russian Orthodox Church Holiday – Holy Trinity. The AFP reported that a church and synagogue were attacked in Derbent, while another synagogue was attacked in Makhachkala.

Dagestan’s provincial chief Sergei Melikov confirmed that 15 police personnel were killed in the attacks. He also stated that at least six terrorists were killed in the operation and that further investigations will continue to uncover all participants of potential sleeper cells.

The TASS news agency cited a law enforcement source as saying that the attackers were “supporters of an international terrorist organisation”, although the specific organisation was not named. A priest was also reported to have been killed in the attacks, bringing the total death toll to 16.

Dagestan has a long history of security concerns. Located east of Chechnya, another Russian province with a history of insurgency, Dagestan has been a focal point for terrorist activities. Terrorists from Dagestan have been known to join ISIS in Syria and have also established a branch of the group there. Previously, the Russian FSB security service arrested four suspects in Dagestan connected to the March Moscow concert attack, which resulted in over 100 deaths and was claimed by ISIS.

Despite the defeat of Chechen insurgents, Russia continues to face a simmering conflict with terrorists, leading to numerous attacks resulting in civilian and police casualties.

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