Tesco Cafes Go Cashless: Shoppers React to ‘Bonkers’ Change

Tesco superstores across the country are introducing a major change to their cafes: they’re going cashless. This move, which has been met with mixed reactions from shoppers, means that customers at over 40 Tesco cafes can no longer pay with cash. Instead, they must use cards or contactless payments through self-service machines.

This shift towards cashless payments reflects a growing trend among retailers and cafes who are opting to ditch cash due to handling costs. While data from UK Finance reveals a significant decline in cash payments in 2023, with 40% of people under 24 living a practically cashless lifestyle, critics argue that this move alienates vulnerable customers, particularly the elderly, who may not be comfortable with technology or may not have access to card payment methods.

Reporter Amy Walker, tasked with buying lunch at her local Tesco cafe with a ten-pound note, found herself navigating a new system. She was met with four touchscreen self-service machines, where she had to order her food, select a table number, and make her payment. Although she found the machine easy to use, she noted that the lack of cash payment options could pose difficulties for those unfamiliar with technology.

While Tesco assures that staff are available to assist those who struggle with the machines, concerns have been raised by advocacy groups. Sarah Gayton from the National Federation of the Blind of the UK expressed her criticism, stating that the move is “bonkers” and “a totally backwards step.” She highlighted the importance of cafes as social spaces for elderly individuals, and she questioned the impact on those with visual impairments who may find it challenging to navigate the self-service machines.

Martin Quinn from Campaign for Cash also condemned the move, calling it a “mad decision.” He emphasized that many elderly customers prefer in-person interactions and may not be comfortable with using touchscreens. He also raised concerns about the accessibility of this new system for those who may not have access to card payment options.

Despite the criticism, Tesco maintains that cash payment options will remain available in other areas of their stores, and they emphasize their commitment to providing assistance for customers who need it. As more Tesco cafes transition to cashless systems, it remains to be seen how this change will impact both shoppers and the company’s overall customer experience.

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