Tesla Cybertruck Durability Under Scrutiny After Fence Crash, Engineer Explains

The Tesla Cybertruck, touted for its ruggedness and off-road capabilities, has found itself in the spotlight after a video emerged showing one crashing through a picket fence. The incident sparked concerns about the truck’s durability and raised questions about its off-road protection. However, Tesla senior engineer Wes Morrill stepped in to address the situation, providing clarification on the circumstances surrounding the fence incident.

Morrill, the lead engineer for the Cybertruck, took to X (formerly Twitter) to explain that the truck featured in the video had undergone modifications that potentially contributed to the damage. Notably, the front bumper and aluminum skid plate, crucial for underbody protection, had been removed. Morrill emphasized that these components are standard equipment and suggested that driving into fences with them removed was ill-advised.

He also addressed the broader issue of off-roading and the Cybertruck’s potential limitations. While Tesla promotes the Cybertruck as a durable vehicle capable of handling challenging terrain, videos like the fence crash and a separate incident involving the truck getting stuck in a swamp have raised concerns. In response to the swamp incident, Morrill attributed the situation to driver inexperience and the lack of necessary precautions while off-roading. He acknowledged that any vehicle could have encountered similar difficulties in the same conditions and highlighted the need for proper off-roading training and technique.

Furthermore, Morrill revealed that Tesla is developing a “stuck detection” feature for the Cybertruck, which will provide drivers with helpful suggestions in challenging situations. This feature, set to be implemented in the future, aims to guide drivers who might find themselves stuck and unsure how to proceed.

The Cybertruck’s durability continues to be a point of discussion, particularly in light of the recent incidents. While Tesla maintains its confidence in the truck’s capability, these events highlight the importance of responsible driving practices and the need for continuous improvement in off-roading features and technology. The upcoming retrofit options for the Cybertruck, including battery armor and rock sliders, are a testament to Tesla’s commitment to addressing concerns and enhancing the truck’s capabilities for challenging environments.

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