The 90s Snack Craze Is Back: Retro Crisps Fuel Nostalgia and Supermarket Sales

The 90s are back, and it’s not just about scrunchies and flip phones. A wave of nostalgia is sweeping the nation, and it’s making its way to the snack aisle. New research reveals a resurgence in the popularity of classic crisps, those beloved lunchbox staples that once defined childhoods.

Online supermarket is reporting a significant surge in sales of these retro treats. Smith’s Crispy Bacon Frazzles have seen a 48% increase in sales over the past year, while Prawn Cocktail Skips and Smith’s Salt & Vinegar Chipsticks have also enjoyed a boost, with sales rising by 47% and 42% respectively. Other 90s favorites like Discos and Nik Nake Rib ‘N’ saucy are also experiencing a sales bump.

Social media, with its endless stream of throwback photos and videos, is being credited for fueling this nostalgia-driven trend. Even food icons like Nigella Lawson are embracing the comeback of classic crisps, praising them as the perfect accompaniment to an evening aperitivo or a movie night snack.

While the classic flavors are proving popular, innovation within the crisp category continues. There’s a growing demand for gourmet and artisanal crisps, featuring flavors like truffle and olive oil, as well as options made from unique ingredients like lentils, chickpeas, okra, and even seaweed.

But sometimes, there’s nothing quite like the familiar comfort of a classic crisp multipack. Millennials, now shopping for their own families, are rediscovering the simple pleasures of their childhood favorites.

KP Snacks is capitalizing on this nostalgia with the launch of two new flavors for Pom-Bears, the beloved bear-shaped crisps. In addition to ready salted and salt and vinegar, you can now find cheese and BBQ options.

Meanwhile, the absence of some beloved crisps has caused a stir amongst snack aficionados. Walkers, the iconic crisp brand, discontinued several favorites, including Sizzling Steak Wotsits, Worcester Sauce Crisps, and Salt & Vinegar Quavers, leaving fans heartbroken.

The discontinuation of Beef & Onion crisps sparked a social media outcry, with fans clamoring for its return. The flavor had been discontinued in 2015 and brought back, but was ultimately axed again in 2023.

In a surprising twist, Walkers has teamed up with Heinz to create a series of limited-edition crisp flavors inspired by classic lunchbox sandwiches. Roast Chicken and Heinz Mayo, Sausage Sarnie and Heinz Ketchup, and Cheese Toastie with Heinz Beanz are just some of the unusual flavors on offer.

And in a nod to the much-missed BBQ Walkers crisps, Walkers has launched a new flavor called Smokin’ BBQ Sauce, promising a similar flavor profile to the beloved original.

The resurgence of retro crisps is a testament to the power of nostalgia and the enduring appeal of classic flavors. As brands continue to tap into the trend, it’s clear that these old-school snacks are here to stay.

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