The American Lung Association Celebrates 120 Years of Transforming Lung Health

The American Lung Association (ALA) is commemorating 120 years of promoting lung health and making a profound impact on public health in the United States. Founded in 1904 as the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, the ALA has evolved into a leading advocate for lung health.

Throughout its history, the ALA has played a pivotal role in addressing critical public health issues. It pioneered groundbreaking educational programs, advocacy campaigns, and research initiatives to combat tuberculosis and other lung diseases. Today, the organization continues to champion lung health, focusing on four strategic imperatives: defeating lung cancer, creating a tobacco-free future, advocating for clean air for all, and improving the quality of life for those living with lung disease.

The ALA’s accomplishments over the past 120 years are a testament to its commitment to improving lung health. Its efforts have saved countless lives and transformed the lives of millions affected by lung disease. The organization’s ongoing work is essential in addressing emerging threats to lung health, such as vaping, climate change, and new respiratory viruses.

On its 120th anniversary, the ALA reflects on its significant contributions and acknowledges the challenges that lie ahead. The organization remains committed to its mission of championing lung health and working towards a future where everyone can breathe freely.

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