The Ancient Grudge Between Iran and Israel

The conflict between Iran and Israel has a long and complex history, rooted in ancient religious and geopolitical factors. The animosity between the two nations can be traced back to 586 BC, when the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first Jewish temple and took the Jewish people captive to Babylonia.

Historical Roots of Enmity

Over the centuries, the hostility between Jews and Persians has persisted. Four centuries of crusades widened the divide, and the Zionist movement’s call for a Jewish homeland in Palestine further intensified tensions. The Nazi holocaust accelerated the exodus of Jews to Palestine, leading to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

Religious Factors

Islam initially regarded Jews as “People of the Book,” but their perceived duplicity later cast them in a negative hue. The victory of Muslim armies over a Jewish army at Khaybar in 628 AD became a rallying cry for anti-Israeli demonstrators today: “Khaybar, Khaybar O Jews, Muhammad’s army shall return.”

Geopolitical Rivalry

At a geopolitical level, Iran seeks to appeal to the global Muslim community by supporting the Palestinian cause. Tehran aims to create a cleavage between Muslims who support Palestine and moderate Arab regimes seeking a political solution. This strategy has led to resentment among moderate Arab states toward Iran’s aggression.

Current Conflict

In recent years, Iran and Israel have engaged in a shadow war through proxies. Iran has backed Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis, providing them with weapons and support. Israel, in turn, has conducted airstrikes against Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria and attempted to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program.

The recent exchange of airstrikes between Iran and Israel marks a new escalation in the conflict. Iran retaliated to an Israeli strike on its embassy compound in Damascus with over 300 drones and missiles, while Israel hit the Isfahan airbase in Iran with drones and a missile.

Strategic Motives

Iran’s strategy is to buy time as it pursues nuclear weapon capabilities. By bleeding Israel into wars of attrition with its proxies, Tehran hopes to deter a frontal conflict. Israel, on the other hand, aims to wage short, swift wars using advanced U.S. armaments to maintain its regional superiority.

Impact on India

An open conflict between Iran and Israel would have significant implications for India. It would lead to oil price surges, insecurity for Indian expatriates in the Middle East, and disruptions to multilateral cooperation initiatives. Additionally, it could have domestic ramifications for India, given its large Muslim community and significant Shia population.

The conflict between Iran and Israel is a complex and multifaceted issue with deep historical roots. The recent exchange of airstrikes has raised concerns about further escalation and the potential for destabilizing the region. India has a vested interest in avoiding a direct conflict between these two nations and promoting peaceful coexistence in the Middle East.

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