The Easiest Ever Lasagna: A Comfort Food Classic Made Simple

A mouthwatering lasagna is the ultimate comfort food, and it’s a classic favorite in homes across the nation. As the weather turns colder, we all crave those warm and hearty dishes, and lasagna perfectly fits the bill. While lasagna can seem intimidating, BBC Good Food’s ‘easiest ever’ recipe takes the guesswork out, making it accessible to everyone, from culinary newbies to seasoned chefs.

The key to a great lasagna lies in its building blocks: the pasta, the ragu, and the sauce. This recipe simplifies the process, ensuring that even without extensive culinary experience, you can create a delicious and authentic Italian masterpiece.

With a mere 15 minutes of prep time and 25 to 30 minutes of cooking, this lasagna is incredibly convenient without sacrificing flavor. The recipe calls for a rich ragu made with streaky bacon, beef mince, and a creamy creme fraiche sauce, all topped with a generous layer of gooey mozzarella and parmesan cheese. This combination of flavors will elevate your lasagna to a new level of deliciousness.

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients you’ll need:


* One tablespoon of olive oil
* Two rashers smoky streaked bacon
* One onion, finely chopped
* One Celery stick, finely chopped
* One medium carrot, grated
* Two garlic cloves, finely chopped
* 500g beef mince
* One tablespoon of tomato puree
* Two 400g cans of chopped tomatoes
* One tablespoon of clear honey
* 500g fresh egg lasagne sheets
* 400ml creme fraiche
* 125g mozzarella
* 50g Parmesan
* Large handful of basil leaves


1. Start by heating the olive oil in a large pan. Chop the bacon into small chunks and add it to the pan. Cook for a few minutes until the bacon starts to crisp.
2. Add the finely chopped onion, celery, and grated carrot to the pan. Cook over medium heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables soften.
3. Add the chopped garlic and cook for another minute.
4. Now, add the beef mince to the pan. Break it up with a wooden spoon and let it brown for about six minutes.
5. Once the mince is browned, stir in the tomato puree and cook for a minute, ensuring it’s well combined with the beef and vegetables. Add the chopped tomatoes and their juices to the pan. To make the most of the tomatoes, rinse each can with half a can of water and add that to the pan.
6. Sweeten the ragu with honey and season it to taste. Let it simmer for 20 minutes to develop rich flavor.
7. Preheat your oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
8. To assemble the lasagna, start by spreading some of the ragu sauce at the bottom of a roasting tin or casserole dish.
9. Layer two sheets of lasagne on top, overlapping if necessary. Repeat with more sauce and another layer of pasta. Continue this process for two more layers, finishing with a layer of pasta.
10. In a bowl, thin out the creme fraiche with two tablespoons of water until it reaches a smooth, pourable consistency. Drizzle this over the pasta.
11. Top the lasagna with mozzarella cheese and sprinkle generously with parmesan cheese.
12. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the lasagna is golden brown and bubbling.
13. Garnish with basil leaves before serving.

Food enthusiasts were thrilled with this easy yet delicious recipe. One fan exclaimed: ‘Followed the recipe to the letter and it turned out amazing. Best tasting lasagna I’ve ever had!’ Another chimed in with their approval: ‘Nice, really yummy and family loved it.’ This simple lasagna recipe is sure to become a family favorite, impressing even the most discerning palates. So gather your ingredients, put on your apron, and get ready to enjoy this delightful comfort food classic.

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