The Escalating Threat to Jewish Safety on College Campuses

### The Progressive March and the Erosion of Jewish Safety on College Campuses

The recent incident at Columbia University, where Jews felt unsafe on campus during Passover eve due to the presence of unchecked promoters of genocidal jihadism, is a glaring manifestation of the long-standing progressive march through institutions.

Elite academic institutions, including Columbia University, have succumbed to left-wing radicalism, embracing ideologies that reject the Western canon of liberty, justice, and virtue. This radicalism has fostered an environment where Jew-hatred has become increasingly prevalent, fueled by the overlapping interests of the Western left and Islamic supremacists.

Under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion, cultural Marxism has divided the world into oppressors and oppressed, casting the Jewish minority as the most oppressive of all. Israel, the collective Jew, has been falsely branded as an evil occupier, promoting a narrative that elevates America’s enemies and undermines global justice.

This worldview aligns perfectly with the Palestinian nationalist cause and the idea that the West is the aggressor against the Muslim world, justifying genocidal jihadism. This convergence of ideologies has been orchestrated, in part, by the collaboration between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Soviet Union, which aimed to generate propaganda and terrorist practices to gain support in the West.

The combination of left-wing ideology and Islamic supremacism has created a volatile mix, with Jew-hatred serving as the glue that binds them. This reality exploded into public view when Israel dared to respond to the Holocaust-in-a-day perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th, 2021.

### Fueling the Fire: A Broken System and Foreign Influence

Elite schools have contributed to this crisis by punishing micro-aggressions and silencing dissenting views, while simultaneously refusing to enforce rules and codes of conduct against protected groups. This has created a safe space for radicals who promote hateful ideologies, while silencing those who challenge them.

A lack of discipline, coupled with greed for foreign funding, has allowed Middle Eastern students and countries to exert influence beyond Middle East studies departments, spreading anti-Zionist and anti-American fervor throughout campuses.

### A Drastic Solution: Reclaiming Our Institutions

To address this crisis, universities must take bold steps to dismantle the infrastructure that promotes anti-Semitism and violence. This includes expelling students who promote jihad, suspending campus groups involved in such activities, rejecting foreign funding from hostile regimes, and dismantling the DEI infrastructure that underpins this radicalism.

The US government must also intervene, prohibiting funding and benefits to institutions that refuse to operate accordingly and deporting foreign students who engage in hateful activities.

Ultimately, the choice is clear: we can either succumb to the barbarism celebrated by genocidal-jihadist promoters or we can defend our civilization and the legacy of our forefathers. The crisis at Columbia University is a wake-up call, demanding immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of all Americans.

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