The Gentle Touch (1980) Season 4, a British crime drama created by Terence Feely, follows the story of Detective Inspector Maggie Forbes, a female officer working in a male-dominated field. The season, which aired on ITV 1 in October 1982, consisted of thirteen episodes. Maggie, played by Jill Gascoine, continues to face challenges and social stigmas as the only female officer in her unit. Despite the difficulties, she remains dedicated to her job and strives to maintain a balance between her professional life and personal life. Throughout the season, Maggie investigates complex cases involving auction fraud, unlawful incarcerations, and dangerous criminals. The series also features Derek Thompson, William Marlowe, Nigel Rathbone, Brian Gwaspari, and Paul Moriarty. The Gentle Touch Season 4 is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, where users can subscribe to a membership plan to enjoy original and licensed content.