The Perfect Time to Switch to a Heavier Duvet

As the air starts to chill and the leaves begin to change color, it’s time to start thinking about cozying up for winter. But when is the perfect time to switch out your lightweight summer duvet for a heavier one? According to interior expert Chloe Barrow, the ideal date this year is October 14th.

Barrow, who works with Laura James, analyzed five years of weather data and discovered that this date marks a significant temperature shift, signaling the beginning of cooler nights. While autumn temperatures often remain pleasant, there are usually a few chilly evenings that foreshadow the arrival of winter. By switching to a higher tog duvet at the right time, you can stay warm without relying on excessive heating and avoid overheating during warmer evenings.

“There has been an average temperature drop of 3.5 degrees Celsius from September to October over the last five years,” Barrow explained. “However, as average temperatures have been rising, this drop has kept the average temperature above 12 degrees over the past three years. It’s only when we look at the October to November numbers that we see consistent drops to under 10 degrees Celsius.”

She emphasizes that choosing the right tog level is essential for comfortable sleep. “We should always consider changing to a thicker duvet when we’re experiencing consistent temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius or lower. According to the data and our predictions, this is set to be later than ever before in 2024.” Barrow recommends swapping to a winter duvet on Monday, October 14th this year.

However, Barrow acknowledges that the ideal tog rating can vary depending on individual circumstances. “For example, if you only have single glazed windows you may want to change your tog sooner than those that live in properties with double glazing, as you’ll likely feel the cold more.” For well-insulated homes, she recommends a tog rating of 9-10.5. For those who want extra warmth, a 13.5 tog duvet is a good option. If you don’t have central heating, Barrow suggests going for a 15 tog, the highest tog level widely available.

Ultimately, choosing the right duvet comes down to personal preference and what makes you feel most comfortable. “Although I have given suggestions here, it’s important to choose what works best for you and allows you to have a good night’s sleep.” Barrow also recommends having an ottoman bed for storing multiple duvets, making it easy to switch them out as needed throughout the seasons.

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