The highly anticipated film “The Plot” has released a series of intriguing posters and an enthralling teaser, tantalizing viewers with its suspenseful narrative. The gripping posters feature Kang Dong Won as Young Il, a skilled designer with a unique talent for making contract killings appear as accidents. The first poster is a clever collage of accident scene photos and news headlines that form Young Il’s face, hinting at the film’s intricate plot. The caption, “Accident or premeditated murder?”, raises questions and piques curiosity about the true nature of the events that unfold. Another poster depicts Young Il observing someone, with overlapping images of his team members Jackie (Lee Mi Sook), Wol Chun (Lee Hyun Wook), and Jum Man (Tang Jun Sang) gathered at a crime scene. The intriguing caption, “Do you think it’s just a coincidence?”, builds anticipation for the unpredictable drama that awaits Young Il and his associates. The accompanying teaser delves into Young Il’s world, showcasing his meticulous planning and execution of accident-disguised murders. The teaser also introduces Young Il’s team members and their client, Joo Young Sun (Jung Eun Chae), as well as their target, Joo Sung Jik (Kim Hong Fa). The audience is also introduced to insurance expert Lee Chi Hyun (Lee Moo Saeng), detective Yang Kyung Jin (Kim Shin Rok), who relentlessly pursues the truth, and hacker Ha Woo Jeo (Lee Dong Hwi). The teaser captures the intricate teamwork and dynamics between Young Il’s team members as they navigate their dangerous assignments. “The Plot” is set to captivate audiences when it hits theaters on May 29th. While eagerly awaiting its release, fans can revisit Kang Dong Won’s captivating performance in the thrilling film “Peninsula”.