The Ultimate Boxed Chocolate Chip Cookie Showdown: Ghirardelli Takes the Crown!

Calling all cookie connoisseurs! We embarked on a mission to find the best boxed chocolate chip cookie mix, and let’s just say, it wasn’t easy. We sampled six contenders, each vying for a spot in our cookie-loving hearts.

First up was

Sweet Loren’s

, a gluten-free, plant-based, and allergen-friendly option. While it’s a decent choice for those with dietary restrictions, it couldn’t quite compete with the classic chocolate chip cookie experience we crave.

Next, we tackled

[Brand Name Removed]

, a supposedly “higher-quality” brand. Sadly, the cookies were dry and underwhelming, leaving us craving a gallon of milk to help them go down.

Betty Crocker

surprised us with cookies that simply didn’t quite hit the mark. We couldn’t pinpoint the culprit – too much butter? Not enough brown sugar? Whatever it was, these cookies were deemed “weird” and quickly left off our shopping list.


, a classic choice, delivered a passable cookie, but lacked the rich chocolate flavor and texture we associate with a truly delicious chocolate chip cookie. If you’re a fan of Pillsbury’s sugar cookies, these might be a good option for you, but they didn’t impress us.

Trader Joe’s

cookies were a polarizing choice. If you love super chewy, molasses-y cookies, you’ll adore them. But if you’re not a fan of that flavor profile, they might not be your cup of tea. At least their beauty is undeniable!

Finally, we arrived at


, a brand that absolutely redeemed boxed cookie mixes. These cookies were a revelation – perfectly chewy, bursting with chocolate flavor, and totally worth the extra effort. We’re petitioning Ghirardelli to make their mix more readily available (or just send us a lifetime supply!).

So, there you have it! Ghirardelli takes the crown as the best boxed chocolate chip cookie mix. Let us know your favorite brand in the comments below, and tell us which cookie mix we should try next.

Want to see more group taste tests? Check out our reviews of boxed brownie mixes, boxed cake mixes, and Diet Coke!

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