The Veil, a gripping thriller series, has finally premiered its first two episodes. Available for streaming on Hulu, the show follows MI6 agent Imogen Salter, played by the talented Elisabeth Moss. Embarking on a dangerous mission, Imogen uncovers a secret that could potentially save countless lives. As the story unfolds, she finds herself entangled in a complex web of lies and deception. Alongside Imogen, other notable cast members include Josh Charles as Max, Dali Benssalah as Malik, Yumna Marwan as Adilah, and Haluk Bilginer.
To stream The Veil Season 1, Episode 1 & 2, viewers can subscribe to Hulu’s various subscription plans. The official synopsis released for the season reads:
‘Disheeta is an SEO Contributing Writer for ComingSoon, addicted to movies, coffee, traveling, and making the internet a more entertaining place.’
With its intriguing premise and stellar cast, The Veil promises to deliver an exhilarating first season filled with suspense, intrigue, and high-stakes drama.