The Witcher 3 Modding Tools Unleash Unlimited Possibilities, Including…Romance with the Crones?

The Witcher 3 has always been a popular game for modding, so last year CD Projekt Red announced that it’d be leaning into this directly with the release of the REDkit. This tool, now available to select users, allows modders to unleash their creativity and add fresh quests and content to the game.

Quest designer Paweł Sasko has thrown down a rather unusual challenge to modders: create a romance mod for the Crones of Crookback Bog. These ladies aren’t exactly the friendliest bunch, and their depiction as beautiful ladies is far from accurate. But hey, who are we to judge? If someone wants to smooch the Crones, more power to them.

With the REDkit, the possibilities are endless. Modders can not only add new content but also alter existing quests and characters. It’ll be exciting to see what weird and wonderful mods come out of this.

The REDkit is still in early access, but it’s planned to launch for wider use sometime this year. So, keep an eye out for a flood of new mods that will inevitably come with it.

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