TikToker Reveals Shocking Truth About Freezer Defrosting – It’s Costing You Money!

Are you dreading the thought of defrosting your freezer? You’re not alone! We all know it’s a messy and time-consuming task, but it’s a necessary evil to keep our freezers running smoothly and our food safe. But what if we told you, it doesn’t have to be a dreaded chore?

TikTok user @katsaves, with a following of 44,300, recently shed light on a common mistake that could be putting a serious dent in your energy bills. She warned her followers: “You’re wasting so much money if your freezer looks like this! And how to actually defrost your freezer!”

In her video, @katsaves revealed a startling truth: “Just 2mm of ice will increase your energy use by 20%! That’s going to cost, and I definitely had way more than 2mm of ice in my freezer.” She explained that when ice builds up in your freezer, it forces your appliance to work harder to maintain the correct temperature for your food. This extra effort translates to higher energy consumption, ultimately leading to larger energy bills.

The consequences don’t stop there. In the long run, a neglected freezer could require replacement sooner, costing you even more money. This highlights the importance of regular defrosting – it’s not just about cleanliness; it’s about saving money and prolonging the life of your appliance.

@katsaves shared a tip she learned from someone else: “Someone said put a pan of boiling water in the freezer and let that work its magic. That kind of works, but not really.” She emphasized the right way to defrost your freezer: “What you really need to do is turn the freezer off first and take all the food out. Then prepare the floor – you want to put down a few towels because it is going to get very, very wet. Then, you just want to let the ice melt on its own. So please learn from my mistakes!”

Since her video was shared, it garnered 70,500 likes and thousands of comments. Some users even shared their own tips, like using a hairdryer or simply letting the freezer defrost naturally. The takeaway is clear – defrosting your freezer regularly is essential for both efficiency and cost savings. It’s time to bid farewell to those icy build-ups and hello to a more energy-efficient and budget-friendly freezer!

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