Tom Kerridge’s Fish and Chips at Harrods: Is It Worth the £37 Price Tag?

Tom Kerridge, a renowned chef, has stirred up controversy with his fish and chips offering at the luxurious department store, Harrods. For a quintessential British dish, the price tag of £37 might make you question its worth.

Foodie James Dimitri recently visited the restaurant and shared his honest review on TikTok. As soon as he arrived, he was struck by the prices, particularly the cheapest beer on the menu costing £9.50. He noted the fancy surroundings, but this couldn’t justify the cost.

Dimitri’s disappointment continued with the portion size. The fish supper came with a meager nine chips, a number that he felt was far too small for the price. While he enjoyed elements of the meal, including the crispy batter, fresh fish, and various sauces, the lack of quantity left him wanting more. He even had to pay £6 for a bread roll to create a chip butty. The chips themselves were described as “nice but not elite.”

Despite the food being enjoyable, Dimitri ultimately concluded that the meal wasn’t worth the £70 he spent for the fish and chips, bread roll, and two beers. His verdict was echoed by many viewers who commented on the video, stating that they wouldn’t pay such a high price for fish and chips.

However, it’s worth noting that Kerridge’s Fish & Chips at Harrods holds an 8.7 out of 10 rating on The Fork, with numerous reviewers highlighting the dish’s taste and freshness.

The debate continues: Is Tom Kerridge’s fish and chips at Harrods worth the exorbitant price? It seems opinions are divided, leaving you to decide if the experience justifies the cost.

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