Tomb Raider Remastered Trilogy Update Removes Lara Croft Pinup Posters

Tomb Raider Remastered Trilogy Update Removes Lara Croft Pinup Posters

The Tomb Raider I-III Remastered trilogy has undergone an update that has notably removed several pinup posters of Lara Croft from the third game. Previously, these images could be found in the Sleeping with the Fishes level, but they have now disappeared from the remastered version of the game. The change appears to have occurred with the game’s second major update, which rolled out on April 11th. It’s unclear why the posters were removed, as there is no mention of them in the patch notes. The original graphics option still features the images.

The removal of the posters has sparked controversy among fans, with many accusing developers Aspyr and Crystal Dynamics of censorship. The franchise’s official website had previously highlighted the posters as an interesting detail. Despite the game’s warning that players may encounter offensive material, the team had initially chosen to keep the content intact to present the game in its original form.

Some fans have expressed disappointment at the removal of the posters, while others have defended the decision. Some argue that the posters were outdated and objectified Lara Croft, while others believe that they were a harmless part of the game’s history. The decision to remove the posters has also raised questions about the extent to which developers should alter or censor classic games in order to make them more palatable to modern audiences.

IGN has reached out to Aspyr and Crystal Dynamics for comment on the matter.

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