Top Air-Purifying Houseplants to Cut Down on Cleaning

Dusting is a household chore that many people dread, especially in the summer when windows are open and dust seems to multiply. But dusting can be crucial for managing health conditions like hayfever, asthma, and pet allergies. Fortunately, NASA research suggests that certain houseplants can naturally reduce dust levels in your home by up to 20%, making them perfect for busy households or those with allergies.

Some houseplants act like natural dust traps, capturing particles from the air. It’s important to regularly clean these plants to ensure they continue to thrive and effectively purify the air. Here are a few top air-purifying houseplants to consider:

1. English Ivy:

All ivy varieties are excellent dust removers, but English ivy is the most well-known and popular for indoor air purification. It’s a beautiful trailing plant that thrives in bathrooms or on bookshelves, improving the air quality in these spaces. Beyond dust removal, English ivy also helps remove moisture and humidity from the air, making it a great choice for bathrooms and bedrooms where mold growth can be a concern.

2. Peace Lily:

Known for their elegant white flowers, peace lilies are on NASA’s list of the top 10 air-cleaning plants. They don’t just add oxygen to your home but also effectively remove harmful toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, ethylene, and ammonia.

3. Spider Plants:

Spider plants have striking foliage resembling large blades of grass and make a bold statement in any home. They’re incredibly effective at removing common air pollutants, and studies have shown they can eliminate around 90 percent of toxins in a room within just two days. Similar to English ivy, spider plants excel at air purification and humidity removal, making them beneficial during the winter months when indoor air can become dry.

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