Tourist Arrested for Vandalizing Pompeii’s House of the Ceii

A Kazakh tourist found himself in hot water after vandalizing a historical site in Pompeii. On Saturday morning, security and reception staff at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii intercepted the tourist as he was carving the letters ‘ALI’ into a light-colored plaster wall within the House of the Ceii. The tourist was immediately reported to the Carabinieri, Italy’s military police, and will be questioned regarding the extent of the damage. Park Director Gabriel Zuchtriegel confirmed the tourist would be held accountable for any restoration costs incurred.

Zuchtriegel praised the swift action of the Ministry and park employees, commending their collaboration with the Carabinieri. The House of the Ceii, excavated between 1913 and 1914, stands as one of the few remaining examples of an ancient dwelling from the late Samnite period (2nd century BC). It is believed to have once been the residence of Lucius Ceius Secundus, a magistrate. The house’s facade, featuring white stucco panelling and a tall portal crowned by cubic capitals, offers a glimpse into the architectural style of a typical middle-class home during the late Samnite era.

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