Tourists Extend Their Trips in Asia-Pacific and ANZ: What’s Driving the Trend?

Tourists Extend Their Trips in Asia-Pacific and ANZ: What’s Driving the Trend?

The global travel and tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in tourist behaviors and preferences, especially in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and Australia and New Zealand (ANZ). In 2024, one of the most notable trends is the extension of trip durations by international tourists. This change not only highlights the evolving travel habits but also underscores the various factors influencing these extended stays.

In 2024, tourists traveling to APAC (excluding ANZ) are extending their trips by an average of two days, resulting in an overall average trip duration of 7.4 days. This is a marked increase from the 2019 average of 6.1 days. Meanwhile, in Australia and New Zealand, overseas visitors are staying for an average of 5.4 days, reflecting an increase of 0.6 days compared to 2019.

Factors Contributing to the Trend

Several factors contribute to this trend. The affordability of destinations, warm weather, and favorable exchange rates play crucial roles in encouraging tourists to prolong their vacations. These elements combine to create an appealing environment for longer stays, benefiting both travelers and the local economies.


One of the primary motivations for tourists extending their trips in Asia-Pacific is the affordability of the destinations. Many countries in this region offer a range of budget-friendly options, from accommodation to dining and entertainment. This financial accessibility allows tourists to maximize their travel experiences without straining their budgets.

Favorable Exchange Rates:

Favorable exchange rates also play a significant role. As currency values fluctuate, tourists find that their money can go further in certain destinations. This financial advantage encourages longer stays, as travelers can enjoy more activities and experiences for less money. For example, in 2024, destinations like India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan have seen significant increases in trip durations. In India and Vietnam, tourists are staying an additional two days on average, while in Indonesia and Japan, the increase is 1.9 days and 1.4 days, respectively. These destinations have experienced lower growth in hotel prices during this period compared to other markets, making them more attractive for extended visits.

Warm Weather:

The warm weather in many APAC destinations is another key factor contributing to longer stays. Tourists often seek to escape colder climates and find solace in the warmth and sunshine of countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The appealing weather conditions provide an ideal backdrop for various outdoor activities, from beach outings to cultural explorations, making it tempting for travelers to extend their vacations.

Benefits for Local Economies

Longer stays generally translate to higher spending per trip, which in turn benefits local economies. Extended stays mean that tourists are spending more on accommodation, food, entertainment, and other services. This increased expenditure boosts local businesses and contributes to the overall economic health of the destination.

In the hospitality industry, longer stays can lead to higher occupancy rates and increased revenue for hotels and other accommodation providers. Restaurants, cafes, and local attractions also benefit from the extended presence of tourists. This influx of spending supports job creation and sustains local communities.

Industry Adaptations

The travel industry is adapting to these changing trends by offering more flexible and attractive packages to entice tourists to stay longer. Airlines, for instance, are providing better deals on round-trip tickets with extended return dates. Hotels are offering discounts for longer stays and creating all-inclusive packages that cover a range of experiences and activities. Travel agencies and tour operators are also curating longer itineraries that include diverse activities and excursions. These curated experiences are designed to offer tourists a deeper immersion into the local culture and environment, encouraging them to extend their stays.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in facilitating longer stays. The proliferation of travel apps and platforms that offer real-time information, easy booking options, and personalized recommendations has made it easier for tourists to plan and extend their trips. These technologies provide travelers with the tools they need to explore more of their destination, discover hidden gems, and manage their travel logistics seamlessly.

Sustainability Considerations

As tourists extend their stays, there is also a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable tourism. Longer stays can potentially reduce the carbon footprint associated with frequent short trips. Tourists are increasingly looking for eco-friendly travel options and are willing to support destinations that prioritize sustainability. Destinations that promote sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly accommodations, responsible wildlife tourism, and conservation efforts, are attracting environmentally conscious travelers. This trend aligns with the broader global movement towards sustainability and responsible travel.

Future Outlook

The trend of extended stays in APAC and ANZ is likely to continue as more tourists recognize the benefits of longer vacations. The travel industry is poised to capitalize on this trend by offering innovative solutions and experiences that cater to the evolving preferences of travelers. Countries in APAC and ANZ are expected to continue investing in their tourism infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of tourists and their extended stays. Improvements in transportation, accommodation, and tourist services will enhance the overall travel experience and further encourage longer visits. Moreover, as destinations focus on promoting their unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions, tourists will have more reasons to extend their stays and immerse themselves in the local environment. This approach not only boosts the tourism industry but also fosters cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

The extension of trip durations in APAC and ANZ in 2024 reflects a significant shift in tourist behaviors and preferences. Driven by affordability, favorable exchange rates, and warm weather, tourists are choosing to stay longer and explore more of their destinations. This trend benefits local economies through increased spending and supports the travel industry’s efforts to offer flexible and attractive packages. As the travel industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to adapt to these changing trends and provide travelers with the experiences and services they seek. By doing so, destinations in APAC and ANZ can continue to attract tourists, boost their economies, and promote sustainable tourism practices.

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