The Moulin Rouge, a world-renowned cabaret club in Paris, has experienced a devastating incident as the blades of its iconic red windmill have collapsed overnight. The blades, a defining characteristic of the landmark establishment, crashed to the ground in the early hours of Thursday morning, leaving the club in a state of disarray.
According to a spokesperson for the venue, the collapse occurred between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, with no reports of injuries or damage to the building. The night’s final performance had concluded at 1:15 AM, and the incident took place shortly after, fortunately avoiding any potential harm to patrons or staff.
“We are still investigating the cause of the collapse,” the spokesperson stated, adding that the club’s technical teams conduct regular inspections of the windmill mechanism and had not identified any issues prior to the incident. The last major damage to the Moulin Rouge occurred in 1915 when a fire broke out during renovation work, forcing the establishment to close for nine years.
The Moulin Rouge, situated on the bustling Boulevard de Clichy, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Paris. Its distinctive red windmill blades have become synonymous with the city’s vibrant nightlife and entertainment scene. The club’s performances, particularly its famous can-can dance routines, attract a large number of visitors from around the world.
Social media images of the aftermath show the windmill blade unit lying on the street below, with some of the blades exhibiting slight bending from the apparent fall. The incident has come as a shock to Parisians and tourists alike, as the Moulin Rouge is a beloved and enduring symbol of the city’s cultural heritage. The reason for the collapse is still unknown, and investigations are ongoing to determine the cause and assess the extent of the damage.