The upcoming K-drama series ‘The 8 Show’ promises a unique and thrilling experience, as eight individuals participate in a reality game show with the chance to win a whopping 44.8 billion KRW.
In the newly released trailer, we meet the diverse cast, including Ryu Jun-Yeol as Jin-Soo. As the contestants live in an eight-storied building for 100 days, they face escalating challenges and must employ dangerous means to survive. The stakes rise with each passing level, testing their limits and forcing them to confront their personal stories.
‘The 8 Show’ explores themes of desperation, survival, and the lengths people will go to achieve their goals. The trailer hints at the tragic comedies that unfold as the contestants navigate the intense game, promising a gripping and unpredictable storyline.
Catch the premiere of ‘The 8 Show’ on Friday, May 17, 2024, and delve into the world of tragic comedies that will keep you on the edge of your seat.