Group Plans for Transformative Growth at Envision 2024 Group, a leading global online travel agency, held its Envision 2024 Global Partner Conference, bringing together over 1,600 partners from 50 countries to discuss the future of the travel industry. Themed “Charting the Next Chapter of Our Growth Together,” the conference highlighted emerging trends and opportunities poised to advance the travel sector.

With the travel industry emerging from the pandemic and entering a period of dynamic expansion, the conference addressed the critical question: “What comes next?” Participants showed keen interest in exploring future growth domains, particularly emphasizing the role of sustained innovation and technological advancements.

Keynote speaker Mr. James Liang, Co-founder and Chairman of Group, underscored the transformative impact of artificial intelligence, showcasing TripGenie,’s AI-driven travel assistant, as a groundbreaking tool set to revolutionize travel planning and booking. “Every industry needs to innovate and so does the travel industry. We are constantly innovating in terms of efficiency, quality, customer service and even marketing. For instance, AI such as TripGenie can enhance customer service and marketing by integrating technology and content, to provide the best value to our customers,” he said.

Mr. Liang highlighted the transformative role of AI in the travel industry, noting its capacity to enhance productivity, improve customer service, and deliver highly personalized travel recommendations. He pointed out how AI-curated lists on provide travelers with top-ranked options and exceptional deals, facilitating a more tailored experience throughout their travel journey.

Jane Sun, CEO of Group, reported remarkable growth in 2023, with the company’s international operations doubling in size compared to the previous year. The first quarter of 2024 also started strong, showing an 80% increase in revenue year-over-year. She outlined plans for substantial investments across the Asia-Pacific region and further global expansion, aiming to leverage worldwide opportunities.

The company has also formed strategic alliances with various tourism boards, hotel chains, airlines, train operators, and local travel providers, strengthening its international presence. now boasts over 1.7 million global accommodation listings, services from more than 600 airlines, and partnerships with over 90,000 ecosystem players, including group tours, attractions, and car rental services.

The conference also spotlighted China’s growing influence in the global travel market, underscored by eased visa regulations, enhanced payment processes, and innovative tourism promotion strategies like free layover transit tours in Shanghai and captivating marketing campaigns. Furthermore, reiterated its dedication to superior customer service, emphasizing the importance of human interaction in ensuring delightful travel experiences.

Sustainability remains a pivotal focus, with the Group integrating robust Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into its operations. These initiatives promote eco-friendly travel, support family-oriented policies, and aim to rejuvenate communities, benefiting customers, partners, and the broader society.

Ms. Sun thanked the Group’s partners for their ongoing support amid these diverse new developments.

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