Trump Complains About ‘Unfair’ New York Trial Amid Gag Order Violations

In a phone call to a conservative radio show on Monday evening, Donald Trump expressed his dissatisfaction with his ongoing New York trial, which involves allegations of hush money payments. He insisted that the trial was “very unfair” and claimed that the judge presiding over the case was “totally conflicted” and “should not be the judge of this case.” Trump also questioned the fairness of the jury, stating that it was “picked so fast” and was composed of “95 per cent Democrats.”

Trump’s comments came after opening statements were delivered in Judge Juan Merchan’s Manhattan courtroom on Monday. The prosecution called its first witness, former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, to testify about the practice of “catch-and-kill” journalism in the tabloid media.

On Tuesday, a hearing will be held on the Manhattan district attorney’s request to hold Trump in contempt of court for violating the gag order on at least seven separate occasions. The prosecution has expressed concern about Trump’s repeated public outbursts against the district attorney, Judge Merchan, and the judge’s daughter, alleging political bias without evidence.

Despite the potential financial penalties he faces for violating the gag order, Trump continued to make public statements outside the court on Monday, accusing the prosecution witness Michael Cohen of lying. He also labeled the district attorney, Alvin Bragg, an “election denier” on his Truth Social platform, which could constitute another violation.

Legal analysts have noted that Trump’s actions appear to be in direct violation of the gag order and could result in financial fines or further sanctions. They have emphasized that the judge will likely take a serious view of Trump’s conduct, which has included attempts to influence the jury pool and intimidate witnesses.

The trial is expected to last for six to eight weeks. Trump, who is running for the presidency in 2024, has denied all 34 felony counts against him and has repeatedly attacked the prosecution as a “scam” and a “witchhunt” designed to prevent him from campaigning for the White House against Joe Biden.

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