Trump Dozes Off as Trial Begins, Accused of Falsifying Records

Former President Donald Trump dozed off for the first time on Monday as opening statements began in his trial for allegedly falsifying business records. The trial marks the first-ever criminal proceedings against a former commander-in-chief, who faces four years behind bars if convicted.

Assistant District Attorney Matthew Colangelo laid out the prosecution’s case, accusing Trump of orchestrating a “criminal scheme” to influence the 2016 election. He alleged that Trump, his former lawyer Michael Cohen, and National Enquirer boss David Pecker “formed a conspiracy” to silence Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had a one-night stand with Trump, and other negative stories about his personal life.

Colangelo argued that Trump disguised reimbursements to Cohen through falsified checks and ledger entries, and then covered up the scheme by lying in his New York business records. Trump reportedly stared straight ahead as Colangelo spoke, no longer dozing off.

The prosecution also accused Trump of colluding with American Media Inc. boss David Pecker to bury negative stories about him and attack his opponents, including Senator Ted Cruz. This, Colangelo said, is known as “catch-and-kill.”

“Trump and Pecker and Cohen carried out three different catch-and-kill deals to help him get elected,” Colangelo said, alleging that Trump’s “fixer” actively colluded with a media enterprise to suppress damaging information before the election.

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