Trump Trial: Judge’s Biased Conduct Revealed in Untelevised Hearing

In a shocking revelation, renowned Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz has witnessed firsthand the deeply biased and unethical conduct of the judge presiding over Donald Trump’s trial. In an exclusive account shared in a recent column, Dershowitz exposes the judge’s clear prejudice against the defendant, manifested in a blatant threat to strike the testimony of the defense’s key witness for a non-existent offense.

Dershowitz’s account paints a disturbing picture of a courtroom where the judge’s personal biases overshadow his duty to uphold the law. The judge’s thinly veiled contempt for the defense and the witnesses testifying on their behalf is evident in his actions and demeanor.

The lack of live television coverage of Trump’s trial has allowed for biased reporting and misinformation to circulate unchecked. Dershowitz emphasizes the crucial importance of transparency and accountability in the judicial system, calling for the televising of trials to ensure fairness and accurate public understanding. By allowing the public to witness firsthand the proceedings of their courts, we can safeguard against bias and ensure that justice is truly blind and impartial.

Dershowitz’s firsthand account serves as a stark reminder of the need for greater transparency and accountability in our judicial system. The televising of trials would promote fairness, discourage biased reporting, and empower the public to hold the judiciary accountable for upholding the rule of law without fear or favor.

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