Trump’s Sons to Vet Administration Candidates Amid Paranoia and Loyalty Push

In a move that highlights Donald Trump’s documented paranoia regarding his staff, his adult sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, will be tapped for transition team roles to vet potential members of a future Trump administration. This emphasis on ideological and personal loyalty underscores Trump’s efforts to build a loyal apparatus around him.

The decision to involve his sons in this critical process comes amidst rebukes from several former inner-circle Trump officials. Notable figures such as John Bolton and Nikki Haley have publicly criticized the former president. Despite these setbacks, Trump remains determined to cultivate a team of unwavering supporters.

A key goal of Don Jr. and Eric’s roles is to ensure that the Trump family maintains control and influence within the Republican Party. Reports suggest that Trump has grown increasingly frustrated by the perceived influence of conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation. As such, he intends to tighten his grip on building a new administration, ensuring that the Trump family remains at the helm.

It is noteworthy that Ivanka Trump, who played a significant role in her father’s past campaigns, is reportedly maintaining her distance from his current endeavors. This move further highlights the dynamics within the Trump family and their evolving involvement in his political pursuits.

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