Two Horses Escape and Race Through London City

Two Horses Escape and Race Through London City

Two horses escaped their enclosures and raced through the streets of London City, startling pedestrians and causing a stir on social media. The horses, adorned with saddles and bridles, were seen running near Aldwych, as captured in pictures and videos that circulated online.

The incident was immediately brought to the attention of authorities, and police responded to the situation. Officers managed to contain the horses near Limehouse and are currently awaiting an army horse box to transport the animals to a veterinarian. A black 4×4 with blue lights has been seen following the horses, and the Metropolitan police have confirmed their awareness of the situation and collaboration with the army to locate the horses.

The incident highlights the importance of responsible horse ownership and the need for secure enclosures to prevent escapes. It also demonstrates the swift response of authorities in handling such situations to ensure the safety of both the animals and the public.

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