UAE Investigates Bangladeshi Protesters Arrested for Anti-Government Demonstrations

Authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have initiated an investigation and expedited trial for Bangladeshi nationals detained after participating in protests against their home government across the Gulf nation. The protests arose in response to widespread demonstrations in Bangladesh, which began weeks ago, challenging a quota system that reserves up to 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971. The country’s highest court partially addressed the protesters’ concerns on Sunday by scaling back this controversial system.

The UAE’s attorney general’s office formally accused the Bangladeshi protesters on Saturday, citing several charges, including “gathering in a public place and protesting against their home government with the intent to incite unrest,” obstructing law enforcement, causing harm to others, and damaging property, according to the state-owned Emirates News Agency (WAM). “Based on the preliminary investigation results, the Public Prosecution has ordered their pretrial detention pending further investigations,” WAM reported.

It is important to note that political parties and labor unions are prohibited in the UAE, a federation of seven emirates. Stringent laws severely limit freedom of speech, and nearly all major local media outlets are either owned or affiliated with the government.

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