UK Home Secretary Visits Italy to Discuss Migrant Crackdown

British Home Secretary James Cleverly is visiting Italy as part of the U.K. government’s crackdown on migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats.

Cleverly will meet with Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi to discuss expanded collaboration in preventing migrants from embarking on perilous journeys from North Africa.

The visit includes a trip to Lampedusa, the southernmost Italian island that has received a surge of migrants in recent months. In September, around 7,000 people arrived on the island in just 24 hours, straining local resources.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has advocated for Parliament to approve his plan to deport some asylum seekers to Rwanda, which he believes will deter migrants from attempting the crossing. However, the proposal has faced legal challenges and opposition from human rights groups.

According to the U.K. government, both the U.K. and Italy are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to address illegal migration. Cleverly highlighted the recent agreement between Italy and Albania, which will allow Albania to host migrants in two centers while their asylum applications are processed. This agreement has also faced criticism from rights groups, similar to Sunak’s Rwanda plan.

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