UK Travel Confidence on the Rise: ABTA Index Shows Positive Shift

The UK public is feeling more confident about traveling abroad than they did last year, according to the latest findings from ABTA’s Travel Confidence Index. The index, now in its second year, has climbed to +47 for the overall UK population, a six-point increase from 2023. This positive shift in sentiment is driven by several factors, particularly the way people book their trips.

Those who use travel professionals report exceptionally high confidence levels, with the index reaching +72. This reinforces the value of expert advice and guidance in travel planning. Package holidays also continue to inspire confidence, with a score of +74, up from +70 last year. This suggests that travelers find comfort in the bundled services and convenience offered by package deals.

Looking at different demographics, families and individuals aged 25-34 remain the most confident groups, scoring +62 and +60 respectively. All age groups under 65 reported increased confidence this year, with the most significant jump observed among those aged 45-54, rising from +34 to +50. Conversely, the 65+ age group is the only one to see a decline, dropping from +33 to +26.

The Travel Confidence Index, first introduced in October 2023, provides valuable insights into the travel industry. It helps identify key concerns and areas for improvement, allowing travel companies to tailor their services and marketing efforts to better cater to consumer needs.

The data reveals that travel companies should prioritize helping customers obtain the necessary travel documents, such as valid passports or visas, as 71% of respondents deemed this ‘essential’. Other key areas showing significant year-on-year gains include ensuring the ability to return home if a travel company fails (58% rated this essential), maintaining high health and safety standards at accommodations (48%), and providing a welcoming and safe holiday environment (46%).

These factors highlight the importance of reassuring customers during the booking process or through marketing efforts. Booking with an ABTA member continues to reassure travelers at the same level as last year, with 41% of respondents rating it as essential. ABTA members are encouraged to display their credentials prominently to leverage this trust.

“It’s very encouraging to see a significant rise in the nation’s overall confidence to travel, particularly among specific groups. It’s also heartening to see that booking with a travel professional continues to instill high levels of confidence, which speaks to the excellent work our members do to ensure their customers are well-prepared, well-informed, and have a wonderful holiday,” said a spokesperson from ABTA.

The full Travel Confidence Index can be accessed in the ABTA’s Holiday Habits 2024-25 report, set to be released during ABTA’s 2024 Travel Convention in Greece from October 7-9.

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