In a dramatic turn of events, Ukrainian forces have launched a surprise cross-border attack into Russia, seizing control of 28 towns and villages in the Kursk region, prompting a mass exodus of residents. The incursion, the first time a foreign military has taken control of Russian territory since World War II, has prompted a state of emergency in the region, with thousands fleeing their homes.
According to Alexey Smirnov, the acting regional governor of Kursk, over 120,000 people have been evacuated, with an additional 60,000 waiting to be moved to safer areas. Ukrainian forces have advanced at least 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) into Russian territory, controlling a border area spanning at least 40 kilometers.
The unprecedented attack has caught Russia off guard, prompting a swift response. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for reinforcements to be deployed to quell the Ukrainian incursion, labeling it as an attempt to destabilize the political situation in Russia. Putin also acknowledged the possibility of the fighting spreading further within Russia, telling the governor of neighboring Bryansk region that the current calm situation could change at any moment.
The Ukrainian military has remained tight-lipped about the specific goals of their operation, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy only stating that the Ukrainian army is “pushing the war out into the aggressor’s territory.” However, the attack is widely viewed as a strategic maneuver aimed at disrupting Russia’s military operations and potentially securing a more favorable negotiating position in future talks.
Military analysts believe that Ukraine’s ability to sustain a large force within Russia and defend against counterattacks will be challenging given their limited reserves. Nonetheless, the surprise attack has undoubtedly embarrassed Russia and highlights the ongoing unpredictability of the conflict.