Ukrainian Performers Find Healing and Connection in Calgary Theatre

A group of talented performers from Ukraine have found solace and connection in Calgary, Canada, through the creation of a new theatre company. The newly formed Artis Theatre, believed to be Calgary’s first all-Ukrainian ensemble, is comprised of individuals who have sought refuge in Canada to escape the ongoing war in their homeland.

“We are trying to connect Ukrainian people with a Canadian audience, as a bridge between Ukrainians and Canadians,” said director Snizhana Bora. “It’s a good opportunity to be together.” The company is currently rehearsing an original production titled ‘The Seagull Inside You,’ which tells the poignant story of a seagull who yearns to break free from the expected path of his flock, symbolizing the desire for individuality and self-discovery.

For the seasoned performers, the collaborative creative process serves as a vital form of healing after the trauma they have endured. “It’s our therapy – we can show the way we feel,” shared performer Anastasia Haiduchenko. “We can show how we feel sometimes lost, sometimes we feel empty, sometimes we feel anxious, sometimes we feel so alone.” Through their art, they hope to resonate with audiences and foster understanding across cultural boundaries.

Artis Theatre’s production of ‘The Seagull Inside You’ will grace the stage of the Inside Out Theatre in downtown Calgary from September 18th to 21st. The show promises to be a moving and thought-provoking experience, offering a glimpse into the resilience and artistic spirit of Ukrainian performers finding their voice in a new land.

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