UN Chief Warns of Escalating Conflict between Lebanon and Israel

In light of escalating tensions along the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued an urgent appeal for an end to hostilities. Guterres has expressed grave concern over the potential for a broader conflict, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire to prevent further escalation. The situation has been marked by daily artillery exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel, amid the ongoing Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip. Both Hezbollah and Israel have close ties with Iran, raising concerns about the involvement of regional powers in the conflict. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric, in a statement, reiterated Guterres’ call for an immediate cessation of fire. He warned that the ongoing exchanges of fire could trigger a wider conflict with devastating consequences for the entire region. The Secretary-General has urged all parties to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue to resolve their differences peacefully.

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